
A tool is a resource defined by a YAML document. This document describes which container should be used by the application. The same tool can be used by multiple different applications.

tool: v1 # Denotes that this document is describing a tool. Tool spec is v1.

title: tool # User friendly title for the tool (currently not displayed anywhere)
name: tool-name # A unique name for the tool (used in references)
version: "1.0.0" # A version number for the tool, must be a string

container: myusername/foo # Name of the container to run. Any valid docker container string (including remote ones)
backend: UDOCKER # Can also be SINGULARITY

- A
- List
- Of
- Many
- Authors
- Dan Thrane

    hours: 1
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 0

description: It is a tool # (Optional) Description of tool
defaultNumberOfNodes: 1 # Optional



Denotes the version of this document. Supported values are:

  • "v1"


User friendly title for the tool.

name and version

The name and version is a combination which uniquely identifies this document.


A list of authors (strings). The list of authors can be anything and doesn't have to conform to any standard. This is used solely for giving credit to the authors.


A markdown description of this tool.


A reference to the container image. How this string is interpreted is backend dependent.

  • UDOCKER: Conforms to the standard defined by docker. By default this will

    attempt to retrieve the container from DockerHub.


The backend implementation for this tool. Below is a list of current implementations:



The default amount of time to use for the scheduler. This doesn't affect for how long the tool/application can be scheduled.

The type is a simple duration described below:

hours: int (>= 0)
minutes: int (0-59)
seconds: int (0-59)



Unused properties for MPI.

Last updated