
__🗒 NOTE:__Very informal configuration. This is meant mostly to serve as a reference for later. The reason we are not writing more complete documentation right now is the lack of a proper configuration system.

The OIDC plugin allows the integration module to use any OIDC provider for handling connections. The OIDC provider is used for providing authentication. A mapping is made to a user on the local system through an extension. The extension is developed entirely by the provider. As a result, the provider can choose to automatically create a user in response to successful authentication. An example extension for this is provided in ./example-extensions/oidc-extension. This script is created in Python and automatically creates a user if one doesn't already exist.

Configuring Keycloak

The plugin, so far, has been tested exclusively with Keycloak. Keycloak is an identity and access management system. It allows you to aggregate multiple identity-providers into a single system which is then exposed to UIM through OpenID Connect.

UCloud ships with Keycloak as part of the launcher script. You simply have to select the appropriate menu entry when launching the rest of UCloud. After starting the launcher you should be able to access Keycloak at http://localhost:61241/admin/master/console. You should be able to login with the credentials admin/admin.

To configure UIM to use this plugin, you must supply some configuration specific to Keycloak. The relevant options are:

val certificate: String,
val authEndpoint: String,
val tokenEndpoint: String,
val clientId: String,
val clientSecret: String,

To begin with, you must create a client. You do this by selecting "Clients" from the left sidebar.

Click "Create"

Enter an ID, this will correspond to the clientId property. The "Client Protocol" should be set to openid-connect. Click "Save".

Under "Access Type" set it to "confidential".

Add http://integration-module:8889/connection/oidc-cb in the "Valid Redirect URLs" section.

Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen.

You should now be able to copy the clientSecret by using the Credentials tab which appears after saving.

You should set authEndpoint to http://keycloak:8080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth.

You should set tokenEndpoint to http://keycloak:8080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token.

You can retrieve the certificate by going to http://localhost:61241/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs. This will return a number of keys encoded as JWK. You should copy the JSON object which has "alg": "RS256", which is the key that will be used to sign responses. You will need to convert this key from JWK to PEM (PKCS#8), for example using The certificate should be set to the PEM version of the key.

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