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UCloud Developer Guide / Accounting and Project Management / Grants / Gifts


Gifts provide the system a way to grant new and existing users (personal projects) credits from a project


The gifting system is primarily intended to provide credits to new users when they join the system. A Gift follows the same rules as Wallets do. This means that in order to give a gift to someone you must transfer the resources from a project. This means that the credits will be subtracted directly from the source project.

A Gift can only be claimed once by every user and it will be applied directly to the user's personal project. Clients used by the end-user should use Gifts.availableGifts to figure out which Gifts are unclaimed by this user. It may then claim the individual Gifts with Gifts.claimGift.

Administrators of a project can manage Gifts through the Gifts.createGift, Gifts.deleteGift and Gifts.listGifts endpoints.

⚠️ WARNING: The API listed on this page will likely change to conform with our API conventions. Be careful when building integrations. The following changes are expected:

  • RPC names will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPC request and response types will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPCs which return a page will be collapsed into a single browse endpoint

  • Some property names will change to be consistent with Resources

Table of Contents

1. Remote Procedure Calls

2. Data Models

Remote Procedure Calls


Finds a list of a user's unclaimed Gifts


Claims a Gift to the calling user's personal project

User errors:

  • Users who are not eligible for claiming this Gift will receive an appropriate error code.

  • If the gifting project has run out of resources then this endpoint will fail. The gift will not be marked as claimed.


Creates a new Gift in the system

Only project administrators can create new Gifts in the system.


Deletes a Gift by its DeleteGiftRequest.giftId

Only project administrators of Gift.resourcesOwnedBy can delete the Gift.

Data Models


A Gift along with the criteria for which that can Gifts.claimGift this

data class GiftWithCriteria(
    val id: Long,
    val resourcesOwnedBy: String,
    val title: String,
    val description: String,
    val resources: List<GrantApplication.AllocationRequest>,
    val criteria: List<UserCriteria>,


data class ClaimGiftRequest(
    val giftId: Long,


data class DeleteGiftRequest(
    val giftId: Long,


data class AvailableGiftsResponse(
    val gifts: List<FindByLongId>,

Last updated