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UCloud Developer Guide / Core / Users / Authentication / Password Reset

Password Reset

Users that authenticate with the password backend have the ability to reset their password.


Users have the ability to reset their password from the Login page, using their email address. When the user submits an email address, the response will always be a 200 OK (for security reasons).

In case the email address is valid, the PasswordResetService will act as follows:

  • Generate a random token.

  • Send a link with the token to the provided email address.

  • Save the token along with the user's id and an expiresAt timestamp (set to now + 30 minutes) in the database.

When the user click's the link in the email sent from the service, he/she will be taken to a "Enter new password" page. Upon submission, the PasswordResetService will check if the token is valid (i.e. if it exists in the database table) and not expired (now < expiresAt). If so, a request with be sent to the auth-service to change the password through an end-point only accessible to PasswordResetService.

⚠️ WARNING: The API listed on this page will likely change to conform with our API conventions. Be careful when building integrations. The following changes are expected:

  • RPC names will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPC request and response types will change to conform with the conventions

  • RPCs which return a page will be collapsed into a single browse endpoint

  • Some property names will change to be consistent with Resources

Table of Contents

1. Remote Procedure Calls

2. Data Models

Remote Procedure Calls


Initialize password-reset procedure by generating a token and sending an email to the user.


Reset the password of a user based on a generated password-reset token.

Data Models


data class NewPasswordRequest(
    val token: String,
    val newPassword: String,


data class PasswordResetRequest(
    val email: String,

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